Wren - Harris Rd. - Blodgett - Summit - Hoskins - Wren

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Foggy in the valley so I drove to Wren. I was treated to some sunshine for a while, but it soon turned to high clouds. I wanted to explore Harris road as it is part of the all gravel route to the coast. Nicer than expected. Through some well logged land along Mary's River. Some climbing but nothing steep. Seven miles on it hits Tum Tum road which is the route to the coast. When I got to Blodgett I decided to make a loop, up to Summit and over Hoskins road. At the base of the gravel road on Hoskins I saw Alexander road which would have provides a shorter, gravel route part of the way back to Wren.

Map of this ride

The ride over Hoskins road was great. Mostly hard packed wet dirt, with occasional gravel patches. I had some trouble with the loose gravel, still haven't found the magic to get through these even though the Grando handles it well.

When the days get longer and the weather improves I want to do this as a full loop from Corvallis. Cardwell Hill to Wren, then this loop, then Maxfield Creek and the usual route back home. This would be the improved version of the ride I did last year when I rode to Blodgett on the highway, then did the rest as I just described.