Strawberry Century

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Perfect weather. Cool and cloudy most of the day, but warm and sunny at the end. Almost all new route. I did the 'epic' option which is the same mileage but includes a climb up Mark's Ridge. 

I started out with a couple on a tandem and one other guy. They are Randonneurs and did PBP last year. They kept an 18-20 mph pace which I was able to match for the first 35 miles. They would loose me on the downhills but I would catch them on the climbs. After the first rest stop they took off down a big hill and I never saw them again. 

At lunch I ran into quite a few MVBCers. All were doing the 70 mile ride and a few did the epic option. 

Head winds again on the return although not as bad as last year. I was pretty wasted by the end and certainly did not finish as strong as I started, but I felt pretty good about it. 

Oh, and I was number 100. 


Number 100