Prineville to Cove Palisades State Park

Sunday, July 27, 2014
Soma Saga
John , MVBC

Stage 2 of the MVBC Loop Tour. Idyllic country roads for 20 miles to Smith Rock. Hiked down and up the river a bit with Dan and Eilene. Incredible place. Then a few more quiet miles to Terrabon before 5 miles on Hwy 97. Terrible road. Then back on the mellow roads to Culver and our destination. Had a surprise visit from Chris and Adinah who were on their way home from a trip to New Mexico.


Smith Rock
Smith Rock was awesome.


Scenic Bikeway
I was stoked to cross the Sisters - Smith Rock Scenic Bikeway. We would be riding more of this the next day.


Adinah and Chris
What a treat to have my kids show up. This was the second time they had come out to meet me on a bike tour.


Birthday party
There were some teenagers on the ride who have been doing the Loop Tour every year since they were little kids. One of the girls always had her birthday while on tour. I think she turned 14 on this one.