
Monday, July 21, 2014
Soma Saga

Round trip, with a little help from Amtrak. The train was great. Highly recommended.

Bus from Albany got stuck in traffic which kept the train waiting in Portland. The train ride was great. From Olympia to Tacoma it hugged the Sound, and the same from Seattle to Everett. I got into Mt. Vernon just as it was getting dark. Had a hard time finding my out of town and when I did it was over some big hills. And then the rian. Not hard but steady drizzle. So I got there in the dark and setup camp in the rain. I was really glad for the new tarp I brought.

Going back the train was 2 hours late arriving which backed up everything on the way home. Once again however the train ride was very enjoyable. I would never consider driving to Washington again.,


No pictures.